This is a fact…one in eight people on this planet suffer from infertility. Despite what the insurance agencies say, it is a disease!! No one wants to be in this position. But so many are…if you look around in your life this could be a family member, a friend, a neighbor…it affects all levels of society, knowing no distinctions between gender, race, socioeconomic or other conditions.
I know this, and therefore my approach as an attorney in this arena is that with all that these couples have been through, failed pregnancies, lost hopes, endless medications, continued losses and now the realization that they need a third party to help build their family, an act which is the otherwise the most intimate of all, must be addressed in the office of an attorney??? Which is why I incorporate my approach, the reason you know me as your friend, to be theirs as well. I know they don’t want me in their lives, but nonetheless they find me there.
A lot of people don’t understand this business. I use that word with a bit of discomfort as I don’t think of families as business opportunities. And, I must say, that the use of the word “family” is broad in my mind. An individual’s or a couple’s desire to proceed with their own life or lifestyle is their own and not one, in my opinion, to be judged by me or by our government. Saying that, I respect that governmental parameters exist for a reason and I respectfully work within them. However, I have seen some nationwide changes based on Constitutional challenges and will follow each of them closely. On a personal note, I tremendously enjoy working with families of all kinds. Each brings such an amazing addition to my life through my work.
So, for those of you who don’t hear me talk endlessly about what I do at the gym, the salon, our lunches or walks…sometimes the only time, other than those lifetime original movies, that people hear about surrogacy is though Hollywood’s stars…Sarah Jessica Parker, Jennifer Anniston, Beyonce (we still don’t know about that one…), but as I always say when I speak to folks, it is not just for the rich and famous! Having said that, the rich and famous do utilize this means of family building when necessary.
And let me elaborate on “necessary”. Surrogacy is not utilized when a woman does not wish to lose her figure. It is not utilized as a means of convenience. It is utilized when a woman nearly died in childbirth during her first delivery and was told never to carry again. It is used when one parent has survived cancer and is not medically advised to get pregnant. It is used when a woman has a disease that requires daily medication from which she cannot be separated, but which is not compatible with pregnancy. It is used when a family is advanced in age and she can no longer carry. It is used by same sex couples who have no other way of having a family, but who are able, willing and ready to provide a loving home to their kids. It is used when necessary!!