by Sara Clay | Blog
In the recent whirlwind of legislators overturning the ban on same-sex marriage, it’s no surprise that the LGBT community is not interested in taking steps backwards. A Kentucky couple has filed a lawsuit against the state for failure to recognize their right to...
by Sara Clay | Blog
This is a fact…one in eight people on this planet suffer from infertility. Despite what the insurance agencies say, it is a disease!! No one wants to be in this position. But so many are…if you look around in your life this could be a family member, a friend, a...
by Sara Clay | Blog
Last Thursday marked Virginia to be the next southern state to overturn the ban on same-sex marriages. Judge Arenda L. Wright Allen, stated in her case, “Our Constitution declares that ‘all men’ are created equal. Surely this means all of us… While...
by Sara Clay | Blog
Last Thursday marked Virginia to be the next southern state to overturn the ban on same-sex marriages. Judge Arenda L. Wright Allen, stated in her case, “Our Constitution declares that ‘all men’ are created equal. Surely this means all of us… While...
by Sara Clay | Blog
Milestone progress in the battle of gay rights on Monday with expansion of legal and federal rights for the LGBT community. The US government is opening up rights including including bankruptcies, prison visits and survivor benefits. From CNN, “It is the...
by Sara Clay | Blog
An engaged couple from St Peters, Missouri, have become the first to undergo IVF on live television. The Today show captured the unveiling of the sex of the baby for all of America to watch. While this might be the new trend in social media, it definitely provides...